Internet comunication strategies

Brand creation on the internet

Why can't you conceive of a company without having a presence on the Internet? Do you want your company to have a presence in the online world? Have you created a web page, blog or e-commerce but you are not receiving visits or conversion of sales or customers?

There are many more good ideas that fail on the Internet than those projects that are successful and there are two main reasons for this failure: starting without knowing what the objectives to achieve are and not defining a strategy to follow.

We offer you a complete plan of presence in the online media according to your needs:

  • Definition of objectives and strategies
  • Design and development of your website and/or blog
  • Selection of social media in which to appear
  • Content management

Online reputation management

Have you ever searched for your company or brand name on Google? Do you know everything that is being said about your company or brand on the Internet? Are you aware that everything that is written on the Internet is indexed by Google and may appear in a search on your name or brand?

We have become accustomed to searching the internet and any information we find influences us to make a decision for or against. And we cannot forget that a dissatisfied customer will have no qualms about sharing their displeasure in any of the means that the network offers: forums, blogs, chat rooms and other social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.

Did you know that a dissatisfied customer has the perfect tool on the Internet to communicate his opinion to thousands of people? Are you aware that most people looking for a service base their purchase decision on the company's website and on the opinions of former customers?

Companies often find customer opinions on the Internet that they were unaware of and are beginning to be aware of the need to control and manage their reputation on the Internet as they have difficulty controlling their image on the net.

Reputation is "the result of what you do, what you say, and what others say about you"

With the Internet boom, all companies have an online reputationeven though they don't even know it. The reputation of a company is based on its image. A positive image gives confidence to the client. The image of a company is essential for its success and it is also the key that will determine its profitability and income. However, a bad reputation can lead to a decrease in customer trust, thus causing a reduction in profits and sales.

The objective of online reputation management is the differentiation of your company with respect to its competition, the value of what your company does well and the response to different negative aspects that may affect the image of your company, not only comments from dissatisfied customers, but also outdated or uninteresting content, opinions of your employees or external situations that may negatively affect your sector.

We offer you:

  • Monitoring of your company and/or brand: with our tools, we will study the reputation of your organization on the Internet and we will analyze what situation it is in and what strategy should be followed
  • Proactive actions: we generate value and and create opportunities. The best way to value what your company does is to communicate it and for that good content management and a correct image are necessary. For this we must plan a content design and creation strategy in accordance with the customer segment to which it is directed and with the offline strategy that your company follows. Starting with the design of the corporate website and going through all the resources that the Internet offers us to communicate, blog, landing page, social networks, employee blogs, websites and blogs of collaborating companies and suppliers, blogs, forums and social profiles on the industry, etc. We will carry out a plan in which we define what design, what content and in what media we should be.
  • Reactive actions: we react to hostile situations and manage crisis situations

All this within a online reputation strategic plan perfectly coordinated with your traditional marketing strategies, offline communication and public relations.

Content management

Have you created your profiles on social networks on the Internet and do not get followers? Do you publish content regularly and do not reach the interaction with the users of your networks? Do you create your own content or don't have time to do it?

It is not enough to be present on the Internet, a message has to be communicated that interests customers and future customers, and reflect the image of the company. Almost 50% of the users of social networks affirm that they follow a company on the Internet, but for this to happen, the company must provide them with content that motivates them to read it and even share it with their followers.

Do you search the Internet for your products and your website does not appear?

Your potential customers search for products on the Internet. If their website does not appear, they will purchase the products from other suppliers. The content writing of your website and/or blog can help you to position your pages on the Internet. You just have to take into account what the search engines require.

The content marketing it can be the difference between the success of your company on the Internet or going completely unnoticed.

We offer you:

  • review of the content of your website or blog for your improvement
  • drafting of content for your website or blog
  • content creation and curation for your profiles on social networks

Social media management

Is your company present on Facebook and Twitter? And if you are not, what has you considered being?

Like yours, many businesses have a presence on social media. However, many of them have trouble reaching their audience. Just because Facebook and Twitter are the most popular social sites doesn't mean your audience is on these specific platforms.

Do you know which social networks your client is present on?

We help you find out.

Some companies create their profiles on social networks but do not provide them with really interesting content for their customers. Social networks are a good showcase for your products, but that is not enough to get loyal followers. It is necessary to provide them with a good image and good content and offer something to the user that makes them loyal. They should not dedicate themselves exclusively to selling their products without offering anything to their potential followers.

Would you know what content interests your audience? Do you know if your company is really getting the most out of social networks and all the tools they provide us? Are you aware that almost 50% of users follow brands or companies on social networks and more than 20% participate in promotions and contests? 

We offer you:

  • an analysis of your market in the networks, performing the segmentation of your customers and finding out what networks they are on
  • selection of the most appropriate networks to manage your presence and address your current and potential customers
  • creation and management of your profiles on selected networks
  • content creation and curation to communicate in your online networks with your offline communication strategy and with the image you must show
  • reports of your evolution in social networks